

Do More with Less...

We love to automate theaters our most popular two are hitting one button and watching the whole room come alive and the second is, having your room lights dim and or turn off whenever you hit play then when you pause the movie the lights automatically come on.

Commonly controlled equipment Audio / Video gear, door locks, lighting, shades, heating and cooling and many other systems. Which can all be controlled by a remote control, handheld touch panel, in-wall touch panel, tablet or phone. With an app and $100 per year you can control these things at your home from anywhere. Cool features like when you unlock your front door your hall and kitchen lights automatically come on. Or when someone forgets there code for the door, you can unlock it from anywhere. Also if you are away you can randomly turn lights on and off so it looks like you are home. Of course the most popular control feature in you theater is to have the light dim or turn off when you press play.

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Call us at 443-401-5841 or contact us for a free quote.
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